When you invest in custom yard signs, you are making every dollar count for your marketing budget with the most return on investment. Yard signs are one of the cheaper ways to advertise locally and you can still target the right audience. Here are some reasons why your business should be investing in custom yard signs:
Make an Investment in Custom Yard Signs:
- Perfect for Local Businesses: Half of the new customers credit signs as the reason for visiting or giving business. Yard signs that are within people’s line of sight when they are traveling remember the signs more and tend to come back at a later time or make a mental note to do so.
- Marketing a Service or Product: Business owners tend to attract more customers when they advertise locally with yard signs. There is also a higher return on investment even if only a few signs have been put on display.
- Little to No Maintenance: Custom yard signs do not require much maintenance besides repositioning them if they are knocked down by wind or clean splattered dirt off of them.
- Strategic Placement: The benefit of custom yard signs is that they can be strategically placed where there is a higher foot or car traffic and within five miles of your business. Putting yard signs too far away from your business may not be convenient for your customers who may not be willing to travel that far out.
Promote Signs offers a variety of signs such as corrugated signs, poly-coated signs, and aluminum signs. We also offer printing services on custom products such as decals and stickers, and promotional products. If you have any questions on which custom yard signs would work best for your business or if you simply want a quote, call 888-864-4114 or email Sales@PromoteSigns.com.