You might have noticed that certain colors are popular for certain industries when it comes to lawn signs. Political signs usually contain shades of blue or red depending on the political party that the representative is a part of. Landscaping companies normally have greens or browns somewhere in their lawns signs to represent common colors found in everyone’s yard. Real estate signage can vary but still contains some kind of color that is recognizable enough to stand out. Whatever industry your business is in, these two tips can help your custom lawn signs stand out.
- Avoid cursive – I recently noticed one real estate agent in my area made the poor choice of using cursive for the font on their signs. It was very hard to read unless you were standing still and focusing on making out what it said. Not only is cursive difficult to read, but it also is not even taught in our public schools anymore. Individuals that were not taught cursive can still manage to read cursive but it is not as legible to them as it would be to someone that spent their time in school consistently reading and writing cursive.
- Use the right colors – The same real estate agent that used cursive on her lawn signs, chose the color black for the background and white for the text. A truly forgetable combination! Make sure you are using the right colors to quickly identify the industry you are working in. If you are unsure of what colors get seen for your industry, then ask the lawn sign company to give you a couple of recommendations to chose from. Even though lawn signs are a more affordable form of marketing, they are still one of the most seen so it is important to properly represent your brand.
The lessons learned from this real estate agents poor choice for a lawn sign is to avoid cursive and to pay close attention to the colors you chose. When in doubt, ask the experts! Avoid those “design it yourself” websites and instead look for a custom lawn sign company that will put in the time and their expertise to design a sign that properly represents your business’s brand!